All Souls Day

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, also known as All Souls Day, is a holy day devoted to remembering deceased loved ones and...

All Saints Day

Also known as All Hallows Day, Hallowmas, or All Saints Day, the Solemnity of All Saints is an important holy day celebrated each year...


October 31 is known as Halloween because the following day, All Saints Day, is a solemnity and a holy day of obligation so the...
Hail Mary

Mary Is Honored Not Worshiped

The Blessed Virgin Mary leads all Christians to her Son, and devotion to her is pleasing to Jesus. She is highly honored in the...


Angels are purely spiritual creatures who were made by God with intelligence and free will. The name angel comes from the Greek word for...

The Devil

The devil is real. A fallen angel who has chosen to reject God forever, he is jealous of men and wants all people to...

Divorced Catholics

Although a serious offense against Jesus and his Church, divorce or separation alone should not prevent a Catholic from attending Mass, receiving the sacraments,...

Guardian Angels

Every person has an exclusive guardian angel sent by God for guidance and companionship on their journey to Heaven, protecting and advocating for them...

Childlike Faith

Catholics who manifest childlike humility and wonder are more likely to be receptive to God when He reveals Himself. Jesus even compared his Kingdom...

Apostolic Succession

Apostolic succession means that every Catholic bishop is part of an unbroken chain back to one of the original Apostles who were sent into...