Catholic Cemeteries

When a Catholic dies and is buried in a Catholic cemetery, it signifies faith in Jesus’ promise of the Resurrection along with joyful hope...

All Souls Day

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, also known as All Souls Day, is a holy day devoted to remembering deceased loved ones and...


Regardless of the reason or method, the Catholic Church considers euthanasia to be an intrinsically evil act since it involves purposely killing an innocent...

The Blood of the Martyrs

From its earliest days, enemies of the Church have unleashed vicious oppression and mistreatment but martyrs of the faith have responded with courage and...

Jesus’ Death and Atonement

When He willingly died on the Cross, Jesus redeemed humanity by paying an infinite debt that man owed but could not pay. Only the...


Catholics are called to defend life at every stage of existence, from conception until natural death. No Catholic can support abortion, which kills the...
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Catholics celebrate Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord one week before Easter. The emotional liturgy on that day reflects both the joyful...

When a Loved One is Dying

Unlike non-believers who view the loss of loved ones with finality, despair, and fear, Catholics can accompany their dying relatives and friends with joyful...

Praying for the Dead

Although the souls of the faithful departed are separated from their bodies, they continue to exist as part of the Communion of Saints who...

All Souls Day

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, also known as All Souls Day, is a holy day devoted to remembering deceased loved ones and...