Childlike Faith

Catholics who manifest childlike humility and wonder are more likely to be receptive to God when He reveals Himself. Jesus even compared his Kingdom...


Professing that God created Heaven and Earth, Catholics believe that everything that exists was willed into existence by the love of God. This was...
Assumed into Heaven

The Assumption of Mary

Unlike the other saints who’s bodies will not join their souls in Heaven until the Second Coming of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary’s body...

The Ascension into Heaven

Forty days after his resurrection from the dead, Jesus ascended into Heaven to be seated at the right hand of God the Father where...
Assumed into Heaven

The Assumption of Mary

Unlike the other saints who’s bodies will not join their souls in Heaven until the Second Coming of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary’s body...

The Theological Virtue of Faith

The virtue of faith is what allows man to know and believe in God. By faith, Catholics also believe what God has revealed through...

The Communion of Saints

In the Apostle’s Creed, Catholics profess their belief in the Communion of Saints, an eternal spiritual union between all Christians in Heaven, in Purgatory,...

Catholics are born again

All Catholics are “born again” because they became a new person when they received the Holy Spirit at their Baptism with water. This is...

The Theological Virtue of Hope

The virtue of hope is a gift from God that gives Catholics joy, confident that their all-knowing and merciful God has promised eternal life...

The Ascension into Heaven

Forty days after his resurrection from the dead, Jesus ascended into Heaven to be seated at the right hand of God the Father where...