Tag: Scripture
The Rosary – The Bible on Beads
Growing closer to Jesus by meditating even more deeply on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary with the Blessed Mother. On Wednesday, October 4...
The Word of God
The Catholic Church is often accused of discouraging and even preventing the faithful from reading the Bible. But Catholics are, and have been, encouraged...
The Word of God
The Catholic Church has often been accused of discouraging and even preventing its members from reading the Bible. But Catholics are, and have been,...
The Genealogy of Jesus
Jesus Christ is true God and true man. As a man, He has a real family tree filled with generations of real people from...
Divine Revelation
God loves man and wants every person to spend eternity with Him, so from the beginning of time He has shown Himself so that...
Catholic Bibles
The canon of Scripture is the complete and official list of sacred books that are considered to be inspired by God and included in...
Lectio Divina
Reading and reflecting on Sacred Scripture or other spiritual texts is an ancient way of praying. The practice of lectio divina dates back to...
Mass Readings
At every Mass, Catholics hear several readings from Sacred Scripture during the Liturgy of the Word. The readings are important and necessary elements of...
Word of God Sunday
Over 100 million Bibles are sold or given away each year, but many of them go unused and unread. Many people, Catholics and non-Catholic, are...
Salvation History
Salvation history is the story of God’s plan to rescue his people from sin and death. It is the story of how God created...