

Angels are purely spiritual creatures who were made by God with intelligence and free will. The name angel comes from the Greek word for...

Cardinal Virtues

There are many virtues that help Catholics to do good and to avoid evil but all of the moral virtues can be traced back...

The Theological Virtue of Charity

By the virtue of charity, man is able to love God above all things out of consideration for God. Grounded in this love of...

The Seven Deadly Sins

The traditional seven deadly sins are not necessarily sins but are vices that are in opposition to the virtues that give man the ability and...


Relativism is the belief that there is no absolute or objective truth. Instead, the relativist believes that truth is subjective and that what is...


Virtues are special graces given by God that provide man with the ability and desire make right choices and do good. Practicing virtue keeps...


Angels are purely spiritual creatures who are made by God with intelligence and free will. They serve Him as his messengers. Although they have...