Category: Jesus

The Baptism of Jesus
By lowering Himself to be baptized along with sinners, Jesus shows his followers what they must do to be saved. His Baptism also reveals...

Jesus’ Death and Atonement
When He willingly died on the Cross, Jesus redeemed humanity by paying an infinite debt that man owed but could not pay. Only the...

The Transfiguration of the Lord
As a glorious preview of his Resurrection, Christ’s appearance dramatically and temporarily changed in front of his closest Apostles on Mt. Tabor. The events...

The Bread of Life
In the Bible, Jesus calls Himself the Bread of Life. He gives his Flesh and Blood, not to temporarily satisfy physical hunger or sustain...

Eucharistic Miracles
Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. Although his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity are usually hidden beneath the appearance of bread and...

The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Being fully God and fully human, Jesus has a human heart and that human heart is the heart of God. For centuries, devotion to...

The Hypostatic Union
A core teaching of the Catholic Church is that Jesus Christ is True God and True Man. His human nature and his divine nature...

The Wedding Feast at Cana
In the biblical story of the Wedding at Cana Jesus turned water into wine. This was the first in a series of events and...

The Baptism of Jesus
By lowering Himself to be baptized along with sinners, Jesus shows his followers what they must do to be saved. His Baptism also reveals...

The Transfiguration of the Lord
As a glorious preview of his Resurrection, Christ’s appearance dramatically and temporarily changed in front of his closest Apostles on Mt. Tabor. The events...