

Recalling the event when wise men from the East visited the child Jesus and brought Him gifts, the Epiphany, or Manifestation of Christ, has...


Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, Who came down from Heaven for the salvation of mankind. Almost immediately after Adam and Eve committed the...


Advent is the first season of the new liturgical year, when faithful Catholics anticipate the coming of Jesus and prepare for the celebration of...
Christ the King

Christ the King

Everyone in the world is subject to Jesus Christ who is King of all creation. This means that all men are bound to the...

All Souls Day

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, also known as All Souls Day, is a holy day devoted to remembering deceased loved ones and...

All Saints Day

Also known as All Hallows Day, Hallowmas, or All Saints Day, the Solemnity of All Saints is an important holy day celebrated each year...

The Passion of St. John the Baptist

John the Baptist was the only follower of Christ to be killed before Jesus’ Crucifixion. A martyr of the truth, he died even before...
John the Baptist Prophet of the Most High

The Birth of John the Baptist

Because of his major role in salvation history, John the Baptist’s birth is one of only three celebrated by the Catholic Church. The others...
Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi

Although Jesus is present in his Church in many ways, his presence in the Eucharist is special because this is where He is real,...

The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The meeting of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her relative Elizabeth is a joyful encounter between these two women of faith and the children...