Sacred Tradition

What Jesus revealed about God to the Apostles through his words and actions 2000 years ago has been handed down in the Catholic Church...
Divine Revelation

Divine Revelation

God loves man and wants every person to spend eternity with Him, so from the beginning of time He has shown Himself so that...
The Gospels

The Gospels

The Gospel of Jesus Christ proclaims the good news that God loves man unconditionally and He sent his only Son to suffer and die...
Marian Apparitions

Marian Apparitions

Throughout the history of the Church, there have been reports of supernatural appearances of the Virgin Mary, other saints, and even Jesus, sometimes relaying...
Catholic Bibles

Catholic Bibles

The canon of Scripture is the complete and official list of sacred books that are considered to be inspired by God and included in...


The kerygma is the heart of the Catholic faith. It is the first proclamation, the same basic message of the Gospel that the Apostles...
The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible is a collection of books authored by God to reveal Himself and his plan to man. Originally written down over centuries...
Word of God Sunday

Word of God Sunday

Over 100 million Bibles are sold or given away each year, but many of them go unused and unread. Many people, Catholics and non-Catholic, are...
Salvation History

Salvation History

Salvation history is the story of God’s plan to rescue his people from sin and death. It is the story of how God created...