Prayer plays a vital part in the life of a Catholic. Through the form of prayer called intercession, Catholics draw others to Jesus and bring the needs of friends, family, and even strangers before God as mediators.
Praying for the needs of one another is a powerful act of evangelization and charity. One of the Spiritual Works of Mercy is to pray for the living and the dead.
When Catholics pray for the needs of others, their prayers are joined with those of Jesus as members of his Body, which is the Church.
Supporting others spiritually through prayer can be done in a general way by praying for the poor, the faithful departed, or victims of natural disaster or may also be intended toward specific individuals or circumstances.
Catholic Mass provides special opportunities to pray for one another throughout the liturgy, including the prayers of the faithful and the Eucharistic prayer.
Praying as part of the Body of Christ:
Prayer that penetrates the heart of God:
Acting as vessels of God’s divine mercy:
Going to Jesus on behalf of others:
To this end, we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good purpose and every effort of faith, that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in Him, in accord with the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 1: 11-12
Intercession can be general or particular:
Intercession is a prayer of petition which leads us to pray as Jesus did. He is the one intercessor with the Father on behalf of all men, especially sinners. He is “able for all time to save those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” The Holy Spirit” Himself intercedes for us . . . and intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2634
Praying for others at Mass:
Where two or three gathered in his name:
This is true prayer: in tune with God’s mercy, with His merciful heart. “In the age of the Church, Christian intercession participates in Christ’s, as an expression of the communion of saints”. What does it mean to participate in Christ’s intercession? When I intercede for someone or pray for someone: because Christ is before the Father He is the intercessor, He prays for us, He prays showing the Father the wounds of His hands because Jesus is physically present before the Father with His body. And Jesus is our intercessor and to pray is to be a bit like Jesus: to intercede in Jesus to the Father, for others. This is very beautiful.
Pope Francis, General Audience, 16 December 2020
Bringing people to Jesus:
Lighting candles for other people:
The Truth, Goodness, and Beauty of the Catholic Church
Living for Jesus:
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