God is constantly present in our lives and He is always ready to listen to our prayers of blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise.
Catholics should not think of prayer only as brief periods of asking for favors or reciting words that are then left behind. Constant prayer is a gift from God and essential to the life of a Catholic.
Jesus instructed his disciples to pray without ceasing and without growing tired. He set an example by praying continually to God the Father. St. Paul wrote that Christians should pray at all times and in all circumstances.
Prayer should be ongoing, constantly bringing Catholics closer to God and strengthening their relationship with Him. Without prayer man grows farther away from God and is in more danger of falling into sin.
Even when it seems that prayer is not being answered, Catholics are encouraged to be persistent and relentless with their prayers and to never lose hope.
To pray always does not mean that other duties and obligations should be ignored. Prayer can be united with good works and activities of daily living for a life of continual prayer.
God is present with us always:
Increasing faith and trust in Jesus:
Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Asking, offering, and accepting God in every moment:
A life of prayer is a preparation for eternity:
“Pray constantly . . . always and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father.” St. Paul adds, “Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance making supplication for all the saints.” For “we have not been commanded to work, to keep watch and to fast constantly, but it has been laid down that we are to pray without ceasing.” This tireless fervor can come only from love. Against our dullness and laziness, the battle of prayer is that of humble, trusting, and persevering love. This love opens our hearts to three enlightening and life-giving facts of faith about prayer.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2742
Pray, ask, knock at the heart of God every day:
Becoming transmitters of God’s blessings with millions of others:
Praying without ceasing means: never losing contact with God, letting ourselves be constantly touched by Him in the depths of our hearts and, in this way, being penetrated by his light. Only someone who actually knows God can lead others to God. Only someone who leads people to God leads them along the path of life. The restless heart of which we spoke earlier, echoing Saint Augustine, is the heart that is ultimately satisfied with nothing less than God, and in this way becomes a loving heart. Our heart is restless for God and remains so, even if every effort is made today, by means of most effective anaesthetizing methods, to deliver people from this unrest. But not only are we restless for God: God’s heart is restless for us. God is waiting for us. He is looking for us. He knows no rest either, until He finds us.
Pope Benedict XVI, Homily, 6 January 2012
Turning what we’re doing into a prayer:
Joining prayer to something that is done naturally:
The Truth, Goodness, and Beauty of the Catholic Church
Being a true missionary disciple:
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