Changing God’s Mind

Catholics know that they should pray to God if they need something because of many examples in the Bible. Prayer is communicating with God,...
Mary Magdalene

St. Mary Magdalene

St. Mary Magdalene, or Mary of Magdala, was one of Jesus’ closest disciples who followed Him during his ministry. According to Sacred Scripture, St....

Judging Others

Even people who are not religious know that one of Jesus’ most famous teachings was against judging. Jesus was not warning against judging the...


Catholics are called to defend life at every stage of existence, from conception until natural death. No Catholic can support abortion, which kills the...

Independence Day

Man’s greatest hope for freedom lies in the Cross of Jesus Christ and the founding principles represented in the flag of the United States...

Forgiving Others

Jesus spoke often about forgiving others in the Gospels. This essential Christian teaching is one that can be very difficult for Catholics to follow...

St. Peter and St. Paul

With different backgrounds and separate missions, St. Peter and St. Paul helped the early Church grow by exhibiting the necessary apostolic courage to proclaim...

The Catholic Parish

Although they are members of the world’s largest Christian church and shepherded by their diocesan bishop, Catholics gather to worship God, learn about their...
John the Baptist Prophet of the Most High

The Birth of John the Baptist

Because of his major role in salvation history, John the Baptist’s birth is one of only three celebrated by the Catholic Church. The others...

Eucharistic Miracles

Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. Although his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity are usually hidden beneath the appearance of bread and...