The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity

Catholics believe in one God and that in the one God there are three divine persons. The Blessed Trinity is the central mystery of the Catholic faith. Knowing the Trinity is necessary to know who God is.

The mystery of the Holy Trinity is that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all equally the same eternal God even though they are separate and unique persons.

The Father is the first person of the Trinity., the Son is the second person, and the Holy Spirit is the third person.

As Catholics we are invited to share in the life of the Holy Trinity, by whose grace and in whose name we are baptized.

The Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity on the Sunday after Pentecost.

God is both one and many:

Archdiocese of Milwaukee

He is an eternal exchange of love:

Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.

2 Corinthians 13: 13

WHAT God is and Who God is:

Donjojohannes – Birett Ballett – Kathmedia

The Trinity is unique to Christian teaching about God:

Ursuline Sisters

The Trinity is One. We do not confess three Gods, but one God in three persons, the “consubstantial Trinity”. The divine persons do not share the one divinity among themselves but each of them is God whole and entire: “The Father is that which the Son is, the Son that which the Father is, the Father and the Son that which the Holy Spirit is, i.e. by nature one God.” In the words of the Fourth Lateran Council, “Each of the persons is that supreme reality, viz., the divine substance, essence or nature.”

Catechism of the Catholic Church 253

The Trinity in the Creed and councils:

St. Philip Institute

The most fundamental truth in Christianity:

Catholic Productions

But here it is important to note that the Incarnation, even if it directly concerns the Son, is the “work” of This dogma is called by the Doctors of the Church “the substance of the New Testament,” that is to say, the greatest of all mysteries, since it is the fountain and origin of them all. In order to know and contemplate this mystery, the angels were created in Heaven and men upon Earth. In order to teach more fully this mystery, which was but foreshadowed in the Old Testament, God Himself came down from the angels unto men: “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him”. Whosoever then writes or speaks of the Trinity must keep before his eyes the prudent warning of the Angelic Doctor: “When we speak of the Trinity, we must do so with caution and modesty, for, as St. Augustine saith, nowhere else are more dangerous errors made, or is research more difficult, or discovery more fruitful”. The danger that arises is lest the Divine Persons be confounded one with the other in faith or worship, or lest the one Nature in them be separated: for “This is the Catholic Faith, that we should adore one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity.”

Pope Leo XIII, Divinum Illud Munus, 9 May 1897

We wouldn’t know it if God had not revealed it:

Life Teen

God’s innermost secret:


All metaphors and analogies fail to explain the Trinity:

Catholic Central

The Trinity is in the Bible but not explicitly:

Catholic Answers

The Truth, Goodness, and Beauty of the Catholic Church

The role of Catholic monks:

Saint John’s Abbey

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