Triumph of the Cross

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

The crosses in our churches and in our homes, along with the crosses that we wear and that we sign ourselves with, should always...

The Theological Virtue of Faith

The virtue of faith is what allows man to know and believe in God. By faith, Catholics also believe what God has revealed through...
Good Friday

Good Friday

Good Friday is celebrated on the Friday before Easter and commemorates the end of Jesus’ life and the events that immediately preceded it. This...
Triumph of the Cross

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

The crosses in our churches and in our homes, along with the crosses that we wear and that we sign ourselves with, should always...
Good Friday

Good Friday

Good Friday is celebrated on the Friday before Easter and commemorates the end of Jesus’ life and the events that immediately preceded it. This...
Triumph of the Cross

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Throughout the year, certain days on the Liturgical Calendar commemorate the Cross, not as an instrument of torture and death, but as a means...
Good Friday

Good Friday

Good Friday is celebrated on the Friday before Easter and commemorates the end of Jesus’ life and the events that immediately preceded it. This...
Triumph of the Cross

Exaltation of the Cross

Throughout the year, certain days on the Liturgical Calendar commemorate the Cross, not as an instrument of torture and death, but as a means...


The fact that suffering exists is an obstacle to faith for many people. As a loving Father, God does not make us suffer but...
Not Just a Cross but a Crucifix

Cross or Crucifix?

The Cross and the Crucifix are both Christian symbols, but you are more likely to see a Crucifix, which is a cross with the...