Praying for the Dead

Although the souls of the faithful departed are separated from their bodies, they continue to exist as part of the Communion of Saints who...

All Souls Day

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, also known as All Souls Day, is a holy day devoted to remembering deceased loved ones and...


When we are tempted, we are battling an envious enemy who wants to separate us from God by causing us to doubt his plan...

The Resurrection of the Body

Many religions teach that the soul is immortal, but the Catholic Church also teaches the resurrection of the body as an article of faith....
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Throughout Holy Week, the final week of Lent, Catholics pray and reflect on the events leading up to and during the Passion, Death, and...

Ghosts and Spirits

There is no official Church teaching about the existence of ghosts but belief in them is consistent with what the Catholic Church teaches about the immortality...

All Souls Day

The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, also known as All Souls Day, is a holy day devoted to remembering deceased loved ones and...
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Throughout Holy Week, the final week of Lent, Catholics pray and reflect on the events leading up to and during the Passion, Death, and...

The Order of Catholic Funerals

The Catholic Church has a ritual for when someone dies called the Order of Christian Funerals. The focus of these funeral rites is on...


When the human body and soul are separated at death, the body remains on Earth while the soul undergoes particular judgement to determine where...