The Magisterium

The Magisterium of the Catholic Church interprets, teaches, and protects the deposit of faith which forms Catholic beliefs and is found written in Sacred...

The Theological Virtue of Charity

By the virtue of charity, man is able to love God above all things out of consideration for God. Grounded in this love of...

The Theological Virtue of Faith

The virtue of faith is what allows man to know and believe in God. By faith, Catholics also believe what God has revealed through...

Catholic Apologetics

So that others can know the truth, all Catholics should be able to clearly present what the Catholic Church teaches, and they should be...

Faith Alone

While believing in Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary for salvation, Christian faith must be lived out with works of love and mercy. A Catholic...

Our Lady of Sorrows

The Blessed Virgin Mary is given the titles Our Lady of Sorrows or Mother of Sorrows because of the profound suffering and sadness she...

A Pathway to Peace

Belmont Abbey College is offering a free online course, The Benedictine Halmarks: A Pathway to Peace. Have you ever questioned the purpose of your...

Proof of God

While God cannot be observed with the senses or detected with scientific formulas or equipment, the Catholic Church teaches that the existence of God...

Theological Virtues

All virtues provide man with the desire and ability to do good and make right choices in his life. Sacred Scripture reveals the special...

Faith and Reason

Humans have a natural desire to understand the the reality around them and to learn the truth, even about the things that remain hidden...