God’s Voice

In spite of man’s sinfulness, the human heart still has the ability to hear and respond to God’s voice but requires the help of...


Existing outside of time, God knows the past, the present, and the future all at once. He knew all people before they existed, chose...
God's Love

God’s Love

God’s love for all of his creation is evident throughout the Bible, which tells the story of how He wants all of mankind to...

Truth, Goodness, and Beauty

Being infinitely and perfectly true, good, and beautiful Himself, God is the source of all that is true, all that is good, and all...

Confessing to a Catholic Priest

As God, Jesus has the authoritiy to forgive sins. He shared this authority with the Apostles and this same authority and power continues to...

Proof of God

While God cannot be observed with the senses or detected with scientific formulas or equipment, the Catholic Church teaches that the existence of God...


Many things are referred to as “miracles” but a true miracle is a sign of divine intervention, when God enters into our world and...


Any thought, speech, or action that is contrary to the love of God and neighbor is a sin. Sin harms man’s relationship with God...


Grace is a free and undeserved gift from God that allows man to participate in the life of God. Grace is necessary for salvation....

The Problem of Evil

The presence of evil in the world causes some people to question God’s existence. If God is so great and good, why would He...