Tag: Eucharist
The American Thanksgiving holiday is not about the Eucharist but it is the secular holiday that most resembles a Catholic holy day because it...
Divorced Catholics
Although a serious offense against Jesus and his Church, divorce or separation alone should not prevent a Catholic from attending Mass, receiving the sacraments,...
The Bread of Life
In the Bible, Jesus calls Himself the Bread of Life. He gives his Flesh and Blood, not to temporarily satisfy physical hunger or sustain...
Eucharistic Miracles
Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. Although his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity are usually hidden beneath the appearance of bread and...
Corpus Christi
Although Jesus is present in his Church in many ways, his presence in the Eucharist is special because this is where He is real,...
Sacred Vessels and Linens
At a Catholic Mass, the priest uses sacred containers and utensils that are set apart for liturgical use. Distinguished from items intended for everyday...
Holy Thursday
Catholics commemorate the complex and profound events of the evening of the Last Supper on the Thursday before Easter, which is known as Holy...
The Tabernacle
The tabernacle is the heart of every Catholic Church, providing a safe and respectful place for the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus...
The Wedding Feast at Cana
In the biblical story of the Wedding at Cana Jesus turned water into wine. This was the first in a series of events and...
The American Thanksgiving holiday is not about the Eucharist but it is the secular holiday that most resembles a Catholic holy day because it...