Mary Mother of the Church

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church

Because the Blessed Virgin Mary’s maternal care for Jesus and his Church has been recognized for centuries, she has earned the title Mother of...


The Catholic Church celebrates when the Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost, fifty days after Jesus had risen from the dead on Easter. Pentecost commemorates...
Mary Mother of the Church

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church

Because the Blessed Virgin Mary’s maternal care for Jesus and his Church has been recognized for centuries, she has earned the title Mother of...


The Catholic Church celebrates when the Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost fifty days after Jesus had risen from the dead on Easter. Pentecost commemorates...
Mary Mother of the Church

Mother of the Church

The Blessed Virgin Mary’s maternal care for Jesus and his Church has been recognized for centuries. Mary not only accompanied Jesus during the most...


The Church celebrates when the Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost. Pentecost falls fifty days after Easter Sunday marking the end of the Easter season....