God’s Voice

In spite of man’s sinfulness, the human heart still has the ability to hear and respond to God’s voice but requires the help of...


When we are tempted, we are battling an envious enemy who wants to separate us from God by causing us to doubt his plan...

Pray Without Ceasing

God is constantly present in our lives and He is always ready to listen to our prayers of blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise....

Repetitive Prayer

Immediately before teaching them the Our Father, Jesus cautioned his disciples against prayer that consisted of empty words and useless repetition. Non-Catholics often accuse...

The Communion of Saints

In the Apostle’s Creed, Catholics profess their belief in the Communion of Saints, an eternal spiritual union between all Christians in Heaven, in Purgatory,...

Forms of Prayer

Prayer is essential in the life of a Catholic and this conversation with God has been continually expressed through five basic forms in the...

Spiritual Communion

Catholics should strive to be in communion with the Lord in all that they do. By making a Spiritual Communion, they can place themselves...
Lenten Prayer

Lenten Prayer

During Lent, prayer takes on even significance as Catholics reflect on Jesus’ 40 days of prayer and fasting in the desert. Lenten prayer tends...

The Three Pillars of Lent

Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are fundamental practices in the life of a Catholic. They are performed with even more intensity during the seaon of...
Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, a day when Catholics are marked with ashes on their foreheads. Symbolizing the dust that man was created from...