Changing God’s Mind

Catholics know that they should pray to God if they need something because of many examples in the Bible. Prayer is communicating with God,...

Praying for the Dead

Although the souls of the faithful departed are separated from their bodies, they continue to exist as part of the Communion of Saints who...

God’s Voice

In spite of man’s sinfulness, the human heart still has the ability to hear and respond to God’s voice but requires the help of...

Pray Without Ceasing

God is constantly present in our lives and He is always ready to listen to our prayers of blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise....

Repetitive Prayer

Immediately before teaching them the Our Father, Jesus cautioned his disciples against prayer that consisted of empty words and useless repetition. Non-Catholics often accuse...

Forms of Prayer

Prayer is essential in the life of a Catholic and this conversation with God has been continually expressed through five basic forms in the...

The Hail Mary

The Hail Mary is a popular Catholic prayer from long ago that comes from Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition of the Church. The prayer...

Intercessory Prayer

Prayer plays a vital part in the life of a Catholic. Through the form of prayer called intercession, Catholics draw others to Jesus and...

Distraction in Prayer

One of the biggest challenges with any form of prayer is distraction. Everyone experiences distractions and even the saints talked about their struggles to...

Dryness in Prayer

Ideally, prayer should lead to feelings of comfort and to an awareness of God’s loving presence in our lives. Sometimes when we pray though,...